Author Archives: ORLC_Secretary

Pastor Rappe’s Invitation

Epiphany I
The Baptism of our Lord

“You are the most excellent of men, and Your lips have been anointed with grace.”…Psalm 45:2

When Isaiah saw the Lord in the temple he cowered and confessed that he was unclean. An angel purged his sin by putting a live coal to his lips, whereby Isaiah was ordained to preach. Jesus’ ordination is today as the Father anoints His lips with the Holy Spirit. As Jesus speaks you are purged of your sins.

Today (11th): Adult Bible class @ 9:00am
Divine Liturgy @ 10:30am
Tuesday (13th): Matins @ 10:00am
Saturday (17th): Women’s bkfst @ 10:00am
Office of the Keys @ 6-8pm